Montag, 12. Februar 2007

32bit 'em all!

General Specialist's Jonas has a great round up on all the at first terribly confusing 32bit float color space with links to the big guys in the HDR business, namely Stu Maschwitz of ProLost.

Hey... and no worries, once you get your nerd glasses out it's as awesome as it can get!

This direction, please!!!


Because I just keep forgetting about all the blogs and sites that have the HOT STUFF® going I'll post a small list.

Lots to learn from!

General Specialist
Creative Workflow Hacks
Create Digital Motion
Animation Software Tutorials and How-to articles
Cinema 4D News (german)
MAKE Magazine
Music Thing
Video Thing

Free CG textures, baby!

No more looking for textures on google!
Check this out:

Oh yes, another blog!

This is my blog, the place where I'll put all the important and unimportant stuff I find on the web or that rocks my real world - animation, design, music, instruments, DIY projects and nerdy tech stuff!

Oh, and feel free to leave a comment!
